Headteacher’s Newsletter 17th May 2024

Written by: Wollaston School
May 2024
Letters from the Headteacher

Dear parents and carers

Firstly, thank you to all parents of Year 7 for their support this week. We have 154 students out on the residential this week and all managed to arrive on time, expertly packed for the trip! For the reminder left in school they have had an alternative timetable for the end of the week, and they have managed this change really well.

Official Opening of Admiral House

As mentioned in my newsletter last week, we officially opened Admiral House, our specialist SEND provision, and had some nice publicity in the Northamptonshire Telegraph:


All of the students in Admiral House had a great time meeting the Lord-Lieutenant of Northamptonshire, James Saunders Watson Esq, as did our Head Students who have shared their thoughts below:

William Baldry, Head Boy Year 13:
It was a pleasure to be invited to see the opening of the new Admiral House. The level of planning that has been undertaken for this project is really impressive and it was great to see the enjoyment that the students, who are part of this project, exhibited during the event. I am excited to hear about how the project progressing, as it already looks to be off to a successful start for students with EHCPs.

Freya Garlick, Head Girl Year 12:
I feel very privileged to have been invited to the opening of Admiral House. Being able to see the lengths the school has gone to ensure the inclusion of all students, is something that has made me feel very proud to be a student at Wollaston School.

Will Davies, head boy for Year 12:
I was privileged enough to be invited to the new opening of Admiral House, and the students are thriving in this environment.

Keep Wollaston Tidy!

We are having a big tidy up at Wollaston with a new campaign launched around school to keep Wollaston tidy! Linked to this is the continuation of the litter picking house competition- which must be competitive as the site is looking great!

Key Dates for the Diary

Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd Year 9 Junior Theatre Company Performance in Drama 1 at 1800
Friday 24th May – final day of the half term
Monday 27th May – half term holiday
Monday June 3rd – first day of the half term – school as usual!
Wednesday 5th June New intake uniform sale 1530-1830 outside the main hall
Thursday 6th June- Year 11 Leavers Assembly PM (all students on study leave from the 7th)
Saturday 8th June – Wollaston Dancers performing at Wembley!

Bets wishes for the week ahead.

Simon Anderson