Written by: Wollaston School
Jun 2024
Letters from the Headteacher

Dear parents and carers


I have been privileged this week to attend an East Midlands Academy Trust Olympic event in which a number of our key stage 3 children were participating. It is always a pleasure to see our students excelling, particularly when representing the school in such an event. The students and staff were amazing and, as always, were a credit to the school and local community. Our students received warm praise from both the EMAT staff and Olympian Tessa Sanderson who took some time to meet our students and to show them her medals! Please do take some time to read Mr Bennett’s report on the event!


Mr Bennett writes: “On Wednesday 26th June Wollaston School students were invited to participate in their first EMAT Olympics event. The East Midlands Academy Trust joined together on this occasion with the Nene Valley Partnership schools including Wollaston and our primaries Irchester, Cogenhoe and Bozeat.


The Wollaston Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 athletes were invited to run and compete in a variety of track and field events against Prince William School and Northampton International Academy. There were some excellent races with the highlights coming from the boys 300m and the boys and girls relay races. It was a real highlight to the day that Tessa Sanderson, an Olympic Gold medallist, who was there supporting all the athletes and spent time with the Wollaston students. It was wonderful to see and be near to a highly decorated Olympian and athlete.


The event was live streamed through Youtube and through a large video screen on the inside of the track. This enabled all participants to see themselves and their friends and added a very exciting element to the day.


As part of the preparations for the event, 4 Year 10 Wollaston students had been trained in the use of media and working with cameras and interviewing people for the day.  They were roving reporters and sports reporters who provided media coverage and interviews throughout the day. Some of their performances were very polished and with slick presentations that stood out on the big screen. We very much look forwards to this event next year and the celebration of athletics and sporting competition in a very exciting venue and platform. Overall Wollaston came second amongst the secondary schools narrowly losing out to Prince William School.


Year 7 Athletics, Tuesday 25h June and Laike Favier.


On Tuesday, we had a wonderful evening of athletics at Wollaston School for our Year 7 students and the local district schools of Huxlow, Ferrers, Wrenn, Sir Christopher Hatton and Manor School.  This meant there were around 120 students competing in the athletics events that were organised and run at Wollaston School.


The competition and standard of performances were very high, with some excellent performances from the Wollaston Athletes. The students who were successful in their events and placed 1st or 2nd have now progressed to the East Northants district team. They will compete in the County Ahtletics U13 competition held at Corby Athletics track on Monday 1st July against all the other district teams from across Northamptonshire. We wish them all the best in their events.


As a final update we are delighted to announce that Laike Favier has been selected for the Northamptonshire County Athletics team to run at the English Schools National competition. He won the 300m race in a new County record and achieved the entry standard for the English Schools. We really hope Laike does well and we wish him luck in the highest level of competition in England”.


Wollaston Students Classes of 2018-2023


If you left Wollaston School within the last 5 years and did not collect your exam certificates, you are still able to do so, I would encourage all former students to whom this applies to pick the certificates up as you never know when you may require them and invariably trying to get copies in later life is a chore!  

If this applies to you then please do pop by to pick them up or if it’s more convenient for a friend/family member to collect them, they can do so if they have a signed permission note from you stating that you are happy for them to do so.


Safeguarding Update


Further to our messaging yesterday, we have received extremely concerning reports this week that a male in a small grey/silver van has been reported to be approaching children in the local area. We have been working closely with the Police and they are implementing a Community Impact Assessment which includes a patrol plan for the areas of Wollaston, Bozeat, Higham Ferrers, Raunds, Stanwick and Irthlingborough. We have issued guidance to all students this week and would encourage children to avoid journeys to and from school on their own and similarly during the evenings and weekends until we have updates from the Police. If you could reinforce this with your children and encourage them to be vigilant and to take their personal safety seriously this will help us to ensure that we safeguard our community.


Key Dates

Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd July Year 6 transition at Wollaston

Tuesday 2nd July Harrison Vaughn Dance Workshop 3.15-4.45pm

Wednesday 3rd July Summer Music Showcase in the Main Hall 6pm

Wednesday 3rd – Friday 5th Wollaston Sixth Form Induction

Friday 5th July Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Expedition

Best wishes for the week ahead.


Simon Anderson