Beginning of term 2024

Written by: Annabelle White
Aug 2024
News | Newsletters

Dear parents and carers,                                                                                                                               29th August 2024

School Year 2024/2025

Welcome back to the new school year and what promises to be an exciting year with developments to our site and new colleagues joining us. These will contribute to our central purpose – to prepare every student for success. Success in academic qualifications, success in a wide range of extra-curricular and leadership activities and success in every individual’s personal and social development.

This letter contains information and reminders to support our young people to make a confident and successful start to their next step in their academic journey. Please take the time to read and share the information with your child.


First Day

A reminder that school opens to pupils on Wednesday 4th September. All pupils are expected to be in their form rooms by 8.30am so should be on the school site punctually to ensure a prompt and positive start to the day.

Year 7s should enter through the science gates (the same gates they used for their induction days) where they will be met by tutors and escorted to their form bases.

All other pupils should enter through the usual main gates. VI pupils will follow their usual arrangements.


Form Rooms, Room Names and Staff Initials

There have been a number of renovations over the summer, including a new food room, and re-allocating of rooms which has led to a review of room names. Some forms will also have a different form base to last year. Additionally, how staff initials are configured have also been reviewed so these will look different to previous years.

Below is the list of forms accompanied by the form base last year and the new form base and tutor initials for this year. Please click here for a copy of the new map which shows the new room codes.




Year Groups



Year 7
Form Group Form Tutor Room
7SGR Miss S Green HU5
7JHA Miss J Hall SC5
7ACI Miss A Ciui LA2
7BCU Mrs B Cundell & Mr P Nyarko SC6
7RHO Mr R Hollis-Brown DT4
7RBA Mrs R Babu & Mrs N Thomson IT2
7DHA Mrs D Harper & Mr P Nyarko MA6
7AIN Miss A Indge EN1
Year 8
2023-24 2024-25
Form Group Room Form Group Form Tutor Room
7KNG D10 8PCH Mrs P Chohan-Padia AR3
7WHT LA2 8ACA Mr A Mahauad-Campodonico LA1
7CAD EN2 8SMN Miss S Montgomery SO1
7WFD D4 8EWA Miss E Wakefield AR1
7HIN S8 8UHI Mrs U Hina SC7
7LEO S2 8VLE Miss V Leonard LA3
7AWS HU1 8JAN Mr J Andrews HU1
7LEW HU7 8ILE Mr I Lewis HU7
Year 9
2023-24 2024-25
Form Group Room Form Group Form Tutor Room
8CHL MA6 9LHO Miss L Hodges SO2
8CHT HU9 9ECL Mr E Clement HU9
8WLS S6 9ARO Mrs A Roshan SC8
8HAZ S3 9AHA Mrs A Hazleton & Mrs D Whitney SC3
8PAL EN4 9VPA Mrs V Paltridge EN4
8HLM S1 9KHI Mrs K Hillman SC1
8STK LA3 9ASO Mr A Southward-Stokes EN6
8BRD EN8 9ABR Miss A Bradshaw EN8
Year 10
2023-24 2024-25
Form Group Room Form Group Form Tutor Room
9MCN MA5 10KAM Miss K Amos EN5
9LYN MA4 10ABE Mr A Bennett PE1
9HBN MU2 10EHO Mrs E Hollis-Brown & Mrs H Parello MU2
9CCL S10 10JCE Mr J Cecil SC10
9CTO HU8 10DBL Mrs D Blackwood HU8
9HRU EN7 10CHO Miss C Hoarau & Mrs R O’Neill EN7
9BOD EN3 10JBO Mr J Bodicoat SC2
9BKS MA3 10MBR Mr M Brookes MA3
Year 11
2023-24 2024-25
Form Group Room Form Group Form Tutor Room
10DOW HU5 11SWI Miss S Willis EN2
10SEA MU1 11JCY Mr J Cayford MA7
10KES D5 11LMI Ms L Middleton EN3
10MSL D9 11SMO Miss S Monsell AR2
10SCA D7 11FSC Mrs F Scagell DT5
10CRK D6 11MCR Mr M Crook DT3
10SHK S9 11CHR Mr C Sheldrick SC9
10ALG MA2 11AAY Mrs A Ayling MA2


Sixth Form


Year 12
Form Group Form Tutor Room
12JKA Miss J Kamen EN9
12PJA Mr Jardine-Wight DT2
12SFO Mr S Foster IT1
12ORO Mr O Roberts HU3






Year 13
Form Group Form Tutor Room
13RBR Mr R Brodie MA5
13MDH Mrs M Dhami IT3
13SGO Mr S Gordon SO3
13PPO Mr P Pomerantz SO4


Capital Projects

Following some successful bids and grant awards, work has been starter over the summer on a number of capital projects, two of which will affect the day to day running of the school.

  • Extension and refurbishment of the Performing Arts Facilities.

This is due to be completed (fingers crossed) by October half-term. This will affect the space in the courtyard area outside of Performing Arts and between the sixth form and DT areas. It will also impact entry to the Performing Arts block with pupils being required to use the doors at the end nearest to the new English block. Additionally, there will be an impact on parking in the sixth form car park. Information around parking will be shared with sixth form students.

  • FA Funding.

Over the summer we have had confirmation of a successful bid for FA funding for a new 3G all weather football pitch and pavilion. This is a £2 million project that will provide an exciting new facility for the school and local community.

Uniform and equipment

A reminder that all pupils are required to adhere to the uniform code which is available at all times on the school website and is also attached to this letter.

Particular reminders:

  • trainers/leisure shoes are not permitted footwear
  • skirts must be an appropriate length
  • all pupils in years 7-11 must wear the appropriate house tie
  • all pupils in years 7-11 should have a school jumper with them
  • sixth form students must adhere to the requirements of smart office attire
  • all pupils should be equipped for learning with the appropriate stationery (this information is available in the uniform and equipment guide attached)


There are times when pupils or parents need to contact school to seek additional support or information or raise concerns.

An email to the form tutor or class teacher will often enable parents to access the information they require. However, for more urgent support or concerns please email the head of year who will contact you at their earliest opportunity.

Heads of year:                 Year 7                  Mr Matthew Jackson

Year 8                    Mr Matthew Rees

Year 9                    Mrs Janelle Caddle-Amoah

Year 10                 Mr Harry Atherton

Year 11                 Mr James Logan


Communication can also be made using the email [email protected]

Please be aware the teachers may be teaching for 5 or 6 periods a day and therefore for non-urgent concerns the expectation is that teachers will reply within 3 working days.


Staffing Changes

There have been changes to staff responsibilities this year and these are detailed below.

Pastoral:              Lee Towers                         Deputy Headteacher Inclusion

Tony Mills                            Assistant Headteacher Safeguarding and Attendance (DSL)

Anita Walker                      Assistant Headteacher Behaviour and Personal Development (DDSL)

Academic:           Keith Matthews Deputy Headteacher (Teaching and Learning / KS4)

Jon Litt                                  Assistant Headteacher (KS3)

Edd Stevenson                  Assistant Headteacher (KS5)


If you have any questions, please contact our reception team on [email protected] or 01933 663501.

Yours sincerely



Simon Anderson

Head of School