Year 11 Newsletter 11th October 2024

Written by: Wollaston School
Oct 2024

Dear Year 11 Parent/Carer,


Since the last time of writing to you, Year 11 have been incredibly busy and working very hard in lessons! Since September, they have been awarded almost 5500 positive points at the time of writing this communication. Every single student has achieved at least 1 positive point, with a staggering 228 students receiving multiple positive points for their efforts in lessons! A special mention to the following students who have all achieved above 45 positive points so far this half term: 


Ellie K, Jake S, Libby M, Sonny B, Isabella O, Ellenie F, Alex E-R, Ano M, Nimat A and Ben L. 


We have had several intervention and revision classes after school this half term as part of our ‘Nothing by Chance’ programme for Year 11. So far, we have had the following: 


  • 32 students attended at least one Maths session after school
  • 22 students attended at least one Science session after school
  • 32 students attended at least one English session after school 
  • 31 students attended at least one History session after school 

Please may I take the opportunity to remind you that there are both open and targeted intervention sessions for our students to attend. All students can attend open sessions and it would be fantastic to have every student in the year group attending at least one open revision this half term and really starting to being that revision process early. Please continue to encourage your child to attend as many sessions as possible. 


In addition to goings on in school, there has also been some notable trips outside of school hours. Firstly, a group of GCSE PE students attended the Northampton Town vs Bolton Wanderers game, and whilst on the topic of sport, our Year 11 boys’ Football Team won their first game in the National Cup! Congratulations to all involved and we hope they can continue their fine form in the next round! 


We have lots of exciting things on the horizon for Year 11 students moving throughout the term. Next up will be the DT trip to Silverstone, the dance trip to see Peaky Blinders and the English trip to see ‘An Inspector Calls’. In addition to this, I am delighted to share with you that on the 23rd of October, we will have a special guest coming into school to speak to Year 11 students about motivation and revision. To deliver this, we have booked the UK’s Ambassador for Happiness, Jackson Ogunyemi better known as ACTION JACKSON is a motivational speaker and has been changing the lives of young people across the UK and the world for 25 years. Jackson’s mission is to create a world where young people wake up happy and go to bed fulfilled. Jackson will be providing a seminar for all our Year 11 students which will focus on healthy living, well-being, motivation and revision. We look forward to again welcoming Jackson to Wollaston and are excited to see the impact it has on our year 11 students moving forwards. 


Finally, I know you will have received information recently about attendance and the impact it has on outcomes. Please can I ask that you continue to support your child’s attendance. Attendance is such a crucial factor in the outcomes of all students and it is essential that attendance is as close to 100% if not 100%.


I look forward to communicating to you again soon with more information about successes and opportunities for our Year 11 students and would like to take the opportunity to thank you in advance for your continued support. 



Best wishes James Logan and the Year 11 team.