PE Newsletter 31st January 2025

Written by: Wollaston School
Jan 2025
News | Newsletters

Fixtures/ Events

Tuesday 4th February – U15 Girls District Hockey Tournament AWAY at Moulton College, U15 Girls Netball v Weavers Academy AWAY

Wednesday 5th February – Year 8/9 Girls Football v Northampton Academy AWAY

Thursday 6th February – U13 Girls Futsal District Tournament AWAY at Weavers Academy


The U13 boys played in the district hockey tournament at Moulton College on Tuesday 28th January. After not training this term due to poor weather and having very few matches, it took the boys a game to warm up and remember some of the rules and tactics when playing their first match. They played against NSB and played with great spirit but unfortunately conceded late on in the game to lose 1-0. In the second game against Malcolm Arnold, the team got back to it and played with a much higher intensity, with Ethan scoring early on after a flurry of chances from the Wollaston attackers. Wollaston kept dominating the game with chances and any breakaway from Malcom Arnold were quickly swept up by Ed in goal. However, playing with the high intensity and back-to-back games caught up with the team and Malcolm Arnold cut the defence open and scored in the final minutes to clinch a draw 1-1. The boys have made great progress and the other teachers complimented them on their attitudes and performances.

The Boccia tournament for Primary and Secondary students was held on Wednesday 29th of January at Wollaston School. There were 7 Primary Schools and 6 Secondary schools throughout the day. The Secondary competition was a very enjoyable and friendly atmosphere with the students and staff thoroughly enjoying their competition. Sarah Harvey the Northamptonshire Sport was superb in her preparation and delivery. It was great to see the students from Wollaston’s Admiral House involved and really enjoying the chance to participate and compete against other students. They all represented Wollaston School extremely well. The Primary School competition in the afternoon was a highly engaging and competitive event. The younger pupils really grasping the concepts and even playing some sophisticated shots and tactics in their matches. The whole event ran smoothly, and this was only possible thanks to the superb and wonderful Wollaston Student Leaders from Year 8 and year 9. Working extremely well together they were so kind and supportive of the players and helped the event be a meaningful and positive experience.

Events and Updates

Reminder – School uniform jumpers cannot be worn for PE lessons. Please bring an alternative warm over layer such as a plain jumper, thermal/ base layer or any of the Wollaston PE kit jackets in addition to gloves where required into the changing weather conditions we will see over the next few months.


Magnificent 7

I wanted to make you aware of the launch of the Magnificent 7 initiative which we will be rolling out in the new term for all Year 10 GCSE PE students. The launch of this initiative is aimed at developing the progress of all students with an end of year rewards trip at Box End Park in June.

Revision/ Intervention sessions on content covered so far in the course will be starting in January and will occur every Thursday in PE1 from 3:15pm – 4:15pm. This is the perfect opportunity to refine exam practice skills, polish over any misconceptions of subject knowledge and catch up on any content missed due to illness or absence.

As mentioned, this is aimed at driving pupil progress and the opportunity to provide students with an end of year reward at Box End Park. To achieve a place on the trip students must achieve one or more of the following Magnificent 7 criteria between January and date of the trip in June.

  • Achieve a working Grade of 7 or higher
  • Achieve a 70% success rate on the Everlearner Platform
  • Attend 7 or more intervention sessions.

If you have any questions or queries, please get in contact with your child’s GCSE PE teacher who will be happy to support.


Thank you for a great week!