Headteacher’s Newsletter 26th April 2024

Written by: Wollaston School
Apr 2024
Letters from the Headteacher

Good afternoon

It was lovely to see so many families attend our options evening last night- we had an amazing turn out of 90% of families attending- so thank you for your engagement with the process. It is exceptionally important to make good choices for their Key Stage 4 curriculum and I am sure that last night’s discussions have gone some way to achieving this.

Next week sees our GCSE and A Level students start their exam season with art and MFL exams taking place. We wish all of our students embarking on this exciting period the best of luck and I am sure all the hard work will pay off!

I must also say a huge congratulations to our Year 11 rugby team who last week once again won the county cup! This is amazing achievement and from what I have heard, if they show as much tenacity in their upcoming exams as they have done on the rugby pitch they are also going to have a very successful summer!

PE Notices

Mr Bennett writes: “Wollaston School hosted the Primary Schools netball competition on Tuesday Afternoon. This was superbly run by the Year 9 Netball leaders and Miss Olechnowicz. There standard of netball was very high and some of the passing and transitions down the court were excellent. On Tuesday the Year 8 rugby team were in a county tournament and played 4 very hard and well contested games. This team performed well with some stand out moments and tries scored.
Wednesday saw Wollaston host the Primary Schools Hockey competition. This was very well attended, and Mr Roberts was delighted with the Wollaston School sports leaders and also the primary School players involved.

Last week (Monday 15th), the PE department took 33 students to an exhilarating netball event at the Copper Box Arena in London where they witnessed a thrilling netball match between London Pulse and Saracens Mavericks. Before the commencement of the match, students had the opportunity to explore the arena’s surroundings and soak in the vibrant atmosphere, joining in with the crowd fun of chants, Mexican waves and the loudest cheer competition. Throughout the game the score was really close which made it extra exciting right up until the last buzzer, where London Pulse gained a two-point lead, stealing the win 45-43. Many students expressed their newly found inspiration and a deeper appreciation for the sport of netball as it was their first time watching a game live. We ended the evening with some photos with the players and signing of the shirts, to then return to Wollaston School, cherishing the memories of their adventure at the Copper Box Arena to hopefully repeat the trip again next year.

Congratulations go to the Wollaston U16’s rugby team who became the County Champions on Wednesday 17th April. They played a fierce opponent in Guilsborough School. The Wollaston players dynamic and ferocious defence meant that Guilsborough didn’t really get a chance to impose themselves on the game and the Wollaston boys ended up winning 38-15.

This was a superb game and thank you to Ollie Wilson and the team for their conduct and success. This team have been unbeaten for the past two years and currently hold the U16 7’s title as well as the U15 County Cup.“

Dates for the diary

Wednesday 1st May- Dance Showcase 6.30pm Main Hall
Thursday 2nd May- Year 7 Residential Drop-In 5.30-6.30pm Main Hall


Monday 6th May- Bank Holiday

Best wishes for the week ahead.

Simon Anderson