Heads Newsletter 13th September

Written by: Annabelle White
Sep 2024
Letters from the Headteacher

Dear parents and carers


It has been another great week at Wollaston. Students and staff have made a cracking start to term and are setting a high standard of presentation and work ethic for the year ahead.


As referenced last week, click here for a draft schedule for Year 11 events and opportunities for the year ahead. This will be finalised for next Thursday’s Path to Glory Evening led by Mr Logan and Mr Towers. Year 11 have made a particularly pleasing start to term and Head of English, Miss Engler, has been pleased with the attendance and enthusiasm and progress of the students this week.


I am also pleased to share information on the clubs that are being offered this half term- please visit our extra-curricular section for details. 


Open Evening 2024


We also have our open evening coming up on September 26th and we will be looking for helpers to support with tours and in subject areas. This is always a lovely community event, and our students are excellent ambassadors for the school so please do look out for communications coming your way next week as we look for volunteers.




At Wollaston School we aspire to excellent education outcomes for all students. Homework at our school is an essential part of the learning process, an extension of learning in the classroom.  It has a clear purpose as homework will help us to develop independent learners and help our students to know and remember more.


Most homework will take the form of one of the 3Rs. Though there will be some occasional creative tasks or extended projects.


  • Research – To help students prepare for following lessons, sometimes pre-learning material
  • Retrieval – These might be low stakes quizzes or tests, or other tasks to help students recall and remember key knowledge
  • Rehearsal – Tasks where students put learning into practice


Homework will be set on Go4Schools. Please find the guidance for how long students should be expected to spend on each piece of homework set:


  • At Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) – 30 minutes
  • Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11) – 30-50 minutes
  • Key Stage 5 (Years 12-13) – 2 hours


This will vary for those subjects that set projects per half term or term in Key Stage 3. We thank you in advance for your support in securing high quality completion of homework.


Key Dates


Wednesday 18th September 7X Cognitive Abilities Tests Periods 2,4,6

Thursday 19th September 7Y Cognitive Abilities Tests Periods 2,4,6

Thursday 19th September Year 11 Path to Glory Evening

Thursday 26th September Wollaston School Open Evening


Best wishes for the week ahead.


Simon Anderson