Dear parents and carers
Mr Anderson is unavailable this week, so I am delighted to return to writing the Wollaston School friday newsletter for the first time since around 2023!
We have enjoyed a successful week at Wollaston boosted by some spring like weather and a number of significant achievements to recognise.
Year 11 mock Examinations
Our year 11 students have began their mock exams in core subjects and have conducted themselves with great maturity and considerable fortitude. We know that this is far from a normal time at school, as many students are living with such difficult emotions. I would again like to thank our students and parents for the way in which they are supporting each other with such understanding and sensitivity. This sense of empathy is tangible throughout the entire school community, and I know that year 11 have the best wishes, respect and support of all of our student body as they prepare for their GCSEs in such difficult circumstances. We will be with them all of the way.
Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award
We have had confirmation that Wollaston School has achieved its first D of E gold awards in many years! We will bring news and photographs of the successful individuals in due course- but in the meantime, I am sure that the whole school community will join me in congratulating the hundreds of students and dedicated staff who have made such successes possible. Particular thanks to Mrs Ayling who leads our D of E provision- and we look forward to the Gold presentation ceremony at Buckingham Palace!
NVP Production: The Tempest
This July, all of the schools in the Nene Valley Partnership will join forces to perform The Tempest- William Shakespeare’s final play at the Decco Theatre in Northampton.
This production will be in conjunction with Silhouette Youth Theatre, and a group of year 7 students spent today working on the script with professional directors and practitioners from Silhouette.
Our students impressed the directors with their creativity, focus and teamwork, with many taking on significant performance roles in preparation for rehearsals to start in earnest over the next few weeks.
The team from Silhouette were highly impressed with our students, our staff, our performing arts provision and our school, praising both the warmth and dynamism so evident at Wollaston. As one member of the Silhouette team put it…..’Not every school is like this, but this is exactly what a great school should be’.
World Book Day 2025
On Thursday 6th March, Wollaston was filled with literary characters as part of the celebration for World Book Day. We had an entirely orange and green Oompa Loompa, a couple of dinosaurs, princesses, Willy Wonka’s and a massive variety of different animals and fairies from a massive variety of different books.
Staff also joined in, with characters from 101 Dalmatians, Alice in Wonderland, Little House on the Prairie, and particular kudos to the English department who came as the main characters from ‘Of Mice and Men’- including the mouse!
Thank you to all who made this such a special day- and to our librarian Miss Ryan.
We are passionate about encouraging a love of reading and we hope some of the activities will encourage students, staff and maybe even our parents to get lost in a good book this weekend!
If you would like to know more about World Book Day, please visit
Thursday 20th March 2025
Our Year 9 students are approaching the time when they graduate to being senior members of our school, as they select the courses which they will take through to formal qualification and award in the summer of 2027, with all teaching beginning in September of this year.
The process begins in earnest on the 20th March, when parents and students are invited to the main hall to learn about how the subject selection process works, and the range of qualifications on offer. The presentation will be followed by the chance to speak to subject staff regarding the programmes of study and skills required for each course.
This is, of course a milestone moment for students, as it is the first time they will exercise a choice of curricular pathway, as they prepare for future careers and further educational study.
We look forward to welcoming students and parents at the following times:
6.00pm Presentation: Tutor Groups 9ABR, 9AHA, 9ARO and 9ASO
6.45pm Presentation: Tutor Groups 9ECL, 9KHI, 9LHO and 9VPA.
Arrangements for 11th March 2025
You will have received my letter at the start of March, outlining arrangements for Joe’s funeral. All students and staff are welcome to attend as we say the very saddest of goodbyes to Joe and pay our respects to a much loved and respected member of our Wollaston School community.
A reminder that Wollaston School will be closed to students in year 11 and 12 on the 11th March. If you would like to donate to the Northamptonshire Young Farmers in Joe’s memory you can do so here:
I would like to thank in advance our students, parents and staff for the support they continue to give to each other as we come to terms with such terrible loss. We miss Joe more than words can say, and he will live long in our memories.
Thank you as always for your support of Wollaston School, and for working in partnership with us to support the personal, social and emotional development of our young people, alongside their academic progress.
This is something which can only be achieved by working together- and we greatly value your support.
Will all best wishes for a peaceful weekend.
James Birkett
CEO of the Nene Valley Partnership