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Class of 2024 Celebration Evening
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Wollaston School is an inclusive community which believes in establishing and maintaining a positive learning culture where everyone has the right to feel safe, enjoy their learning, achieve to the best of their ability and be treated with respect. Everyone has a responsibility for their own behaviour, to safeguard the rights of other people and to treat others with respect, dignity and consideration. Our anti-bullying policy underpins the rights and responsibilities which are at the core of our beliefs as a school.
Bullying, intimidation and harassment of any member of our community are examples of unacceptable behaviour and as such reference is made to the Behaviour and E-safety policies. Staff record incidents and set sanctions for all forms of bullying as they do for all other negative behaviours.
Wollaston School will take measures to prevent all forms of bullying during school time and during off-site activities including online safety.
Further information can be found on our Anti-Bullying Policy.
School Policies & Statutory Information