Safeguarding & Wellbeing Bulletin

Safeguarding & Wellbeing Bulletin

Dear parents/carers,   Welcome to the term 6 edition of our Safeguarding and Wellbeing bulletin and the final for this academic year. In this bulletin we have a range of information from agencies to help support young people and parents over the holidays.  ...
Head’s Newsletter 28th June 2024

Head’s Newsletter 28th June 2024

  Keeping Children Safe in Out of School Settings: Sending my child to after-school clubs, community activities and tuition June 2024 Advice for parents What is an out of school setting?   An Out of School Setting (OOSS), is an institution or setting which...

Dear parents and carers   I have been privileged this week to attend an East Midlands Academy Trust Olympic event in which a number of our key stage 3 children were participating. It is always a pleasure to see our students excelling, particularly when...