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Careers Education
- To help students identify their own skills in relation to future opportunities.
- To help equip students with the decision-making skills in order that they can make effective decisions at key transition points in their education.
- To inform students about the local , national and international labour market.
- To make students aware of local , national and international employment and study possibilities.
- To try and equip students with the skills needed to access all opportunities that they seek.

The Careers leader is Mr Bernie Myers. He can be contacted on [email protected] or via 01933 663501.
The Careers programme is imbedded into the PSHE programme and includes specific strands relevant to the needs of students as they progress through the school. This programme is supplemented by the provision of IAGS ( Information , advice and guidance ) during the character development days for students e.g. Careers Day for year 10 in the summer term. Furthermore , regular 1:1 guidance sessions are available for all year 11 -14 students and a drop in service for these year groups is held each week. Parents and students are also given information about numerous careers opportunities within the local area. The impact of the programme is measured by the NEET figures for Year 11 -14 , feedback from all relevant stakeholders and the regular completion of compass plus reports. The next review of the programme will take place in the summer of 2024.
The PSHE programme in school aims to ensure that students have relevant skills as described above.
Tutor time is also spent working on such skills and discussing opportunities / preparing students for these opportunities. Personal development days also allow the above aims to be implemented.
Students in years 10 -14 can access 1:1 career meeting with Mr Myers. A written report is issued to students after these sessions. A weekly lunch time careers drop-in service is also offered and local colleges , employers and apprenticeship providers do attend this session. Careers advice is also available to all students at key transition points e.g. year 9 options and the Wollaston School Sixth Form open evening.
All students in years 10- 14 gain information from a variety of sources about the benefits of following an apprenticeship route and options for further study / employment are also promoted. Bernie Myers is available at many parents’ evenings to support students and their parents. Specific suspended timetable events are also held with the aim of informing students and inspiring them to reach their targeted career goals. Visits take place to numerous universities and careers events. Faculties are also keen to make the relevance of their subject matter relate to specific careers and job roles. The annual Wollaston School Careers Fair for Year 10 and year 12 students is supported by local businesses, apprenticeship providers and local , national and international universities.
There are a large variety of websites available to help students and their parents such as:
Skills & Strengths assessment tools
https://icould.com/buzz-quiz (quick and easy – basic profile)
Skills & Strengths assessment tools with suggested future Careers & opportunities
Managing your Career Journey & making decisions
Options at 16
https://www.ucas.com/further-education/post-16-qualifications/what-qualifications-are-there-16-18-year-olds (includes a quiz to help you find out what qualification may suit your learning style)
Options at 18
Exploring … subjects and where they can lead
Exploring … Apprenticeships
Exploring … University
https://www.theuniguide.co.uk/a-level-explorer Test out which A Levels you are considering and see what degrees they suggest
Exploring … potential career paths
Common questions asked in an interview and how to answer them
This guide offers helpful tips for handling interviews, such as:
- The most frequently asked job interview questions
- Different types of interview questions
- How to practice answering interview questions
Exploring … World of work (now or after University)
Labour Market Information ( LMI )
I’ve got an idea about a job – but what would it really be like? Where are these jobs? What would I get paid? Where could this lead to? What is the culture like and will it suit me? What is the demand for these jobs in the future. Remember to critically evaluate the information.
Explore LMI data
How to use labour market information (LMI) to help make career decisions
Gaining insights …
Taster events, work experience and shadowing, virtual work experience/ webinars and networking
Who do you know that works in now or previously in the sector, role, company etc – can you talk to them? Interview them to find out the highs and lows and what advice they would give their 17 year old self?
Want resources and support that are more interactive?
https://www.mygreatfirstjob.com. On the website are paid services. However, if you follow MyGreatFirstJob on social media, they often run free student webinars after school.
https://youtu.be/eOpq0E6nV0I A Clip from Stacey Dooley’s Nine to Five series. Some good points to consider when thinking about your future career.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzHRXU9p6bKJtiIAhnzL6hQ/featured MyPath on UTube – a whole range of videos on the subjects you study and career pathways as well as featuring different careers.
https://youtu.be/zhpcgpqWc1Q An American video on Utube. Useful description of the steps. When it suggests US websites/ quizzes – there are equivalent links listed above
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/collections/job-profiles/1 A number of factsheets including videos to highlight different careers
https://www.unitasterdays.com/ondemand A range of video/ recorded presentations on making choices and studying at University (subject taster days) and apprenticeships
Parent/Carer Queries
Any parent / carer with queries about careers related matters should contact Mr Myers via [email protected]
Careers Information & Guidance
Education, Training and Employer Access Policy