Letters from the Headteacher
Heads Newsletter 20th September
Dear parents and carers It's been great to see everyone settling back into the routines of school over thelast few weeks and it's been another week of high standards and I'm starting tosee some excellent work in books. It's wonderful to see how well our studentsare...
Heads Newsletter 13th September
Dear parents and carers It has been another great week at Wollaston. Students and staff have made a cracking start to term and are setting a high standard of presentation and work ethic for the year ahead. As referenced last week, click here for a draft...
Head’s Newsletter 6th September
Dear parents and carers Welcome back to the head’s newsletter – I hope you have all experienced a pleasant summer break. Firstly, thank you for helping to make the start of term such a success. The students have all been amazing over the last three days and...
Head’s Newsletter
Dear parents and carers We have had another busy week with lots to update you on. We were privileged to welcome Lu Lawarence to talk to our students and staff on Thursday. Lu is the daughter of Zigi Shipper, a holocaust survivor. Lu has taken up the mantle of...
Dear parents and carers This week has flown by with lots of activity in school. We started the week with a rendition of Queen’s ‘Don’t Stop me now’ by Mr Rees and our Year 10 band who were providing the musical accompaniment for a project with Year 7 promoting...
Dear parents and carers I have been privileged this week to attend an East Midlands Academy Trust Olympic event in which a number of our key stage 3 children were participating. It is always a pleasure to see our students excelling, particularly when...