Letters from the Headteacher
Headteacher’s Newsletter 14th June 2024
Dear parents and carers We have lots of news to share with you this week from exciting trip and opportunities. Firstly however, I would like to extend my congratulations to Laike Favier in Year 9 won the County Athletics boys 300m. He also broke the County Record for...
Headteacher’s Newsletter 7th June 2024
Dear parents and carers We have had a great week, and it has been a fitting end to Year 11s journey through Wollaston as they had their leavers’ assembly on Thursday afternoon. A huge thank you to all students in Year 11 who have been amazing all the way through the...
Headteacher’s Newsletter 17th May 2024
Dear parents and carers Firstly, thank you to all parents of Year 7 for their support this week. We have 154 students out on the residential this week and all managed to arrive on time, expertly packed for the trip! For the reminder left in school they have had an...
Headteacher’s Newsletter 10th May 2024
Dear parents and carers It has been a delightful week at Wollaston with amazing weather which has been fortunate as we had planned for our Eco Ambassadors to lead the school in a litter pick house competition. So far year 7 have completed the first round of litter...
Headteacher’s Newsletter 3rd May 2024
Dear parents and carers We are almost in full swing with the exam season now and it has been pleasing to see how focused and committed Year 11 and 13 have been since we have returned from the Easter break. With that in mind, please look out for further communication...
Headteacher’s Newsletter 26th April 2024
Good afternoon It was lovely to see so many families attend our options evening last night- we had an amazing turn out of 90% of families attending- so thank you for your engagement with the process. It is exceptionally important to make good choices for their Key...