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Mental Health and Student Well-Being

At Wollaston School we recognise the importance of good mental health for all of our young people and work hard to promote this through our curriculum, specifically the PSHE and Pastoral curriculum.

Our commitment to the wellbeing of our young people means we have a team who are there to give additional support where this is needed or signpost young people and families to other services which they may find useful, and this includes our Wellbeing and Emotional Support Officer(Mrs Cootes) who is available for check-ins and regular sessions

In-school support also includes:

As a school we are fortunate to work with MHST (Mental Health Support Team) who deliver evidence-based interventions for mild-to-moderate mental health issues and referrals to them are made through members of the pastoral team (heads of year and student support officers).

School Counsellor
For young people who need access to counselling our school counsellor Mrs Katrina Wilson-Smith is in school two days a week. If a young person wishes to access this service they can do so by speaking to the head of year who will complete a referral. Typically young people access this service for about half a term, but this can be extended if this is needed.

Any requests for support or queries please email the Senior Mental Health Lead Ms Anita Walker ([email protected]).