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Careers and Further information
Our key aim at Wollaston sixth form is ensuring that students are able to successfully progress on to their chosen next step when leaving us at the end of Year 13, whether this be at university, in employment or securing a position on an apprenticeship. Although some know from the start of year 12 exactly what they are aiming for, many are unsure, and we work hard to help them understand the different options available, through dedicated sessions run but providers, discussions with ex students or visits to relevant conferences.
We also have work experience week at the end of year 12 where all students have the opportunity to gain experience in their chosen field. Our next steps programme begins in the January of year 12 and supports every students through the process from start to finish, culminating in the smiles and excitement seen every results day.
Students will receive:
- Visits and talks from universities and employers.
- Guidance on how to apply for university and apprenticeships.
- A trip to a Higher Education and Apprenticeship conference
- Support with securing work experience at the end of year 12
- Access to 1-2-1 careers guidance through their time in sixth form
Below there are some links that you may wish to look at that will offer some additional guidance on the different routes and providers that are available.