Welcome to
Wollaston School Sixth Form
For those seeking a sixth form experience where excellence is the aim for all, Wollaston is the centre for you. With our track record of consistent high achievement, excellent facilities and dedicated team, we will be able to equip you with all you need to develop and become the best you can be.
We are extremely proud of the fact that achieving the high grades secured students their future positions, whichever path they chose. This is part of a long term trend of strong results within the sixth form which means that students consistently secure places one of their top university choices. These include a wide range of prestigious centres and courses with ex Wollaston sixth form students currently studying at Oxford, training to become a vets or starting their careers through high level apprenticeships.
We pride ourselves on the wide curriculum choice available at Wollaston, and therefore we were thrilled to students again securing positions in the arts for their next step and indeed subsequently launching their careers on both stage and screen.
It is not only A-Level results that are impressive – we are proud of the achievements of all our students and those who chose a more vocational route, opting for BTEC qualifications in Health Studies, Sports Studies or Public Services surpassed themselves with outstanding results. Two thirds of vocational qualifications being grade Distinction* or Distinction, A testament to the hard work of both the students and the staff who supported them. These students have now given themselves a secure basis for a range of careers including joining the police, fire service or working in the NHS.
Whatever your chosen route, we will work with you to help ensure that you have the very best chance of success. We recognise that everyone is an individual and we value everyone equally.
Welcome to our Sixth Form. I am sure you will enjoy your time here.
Mr T Mills – Head of Sixth Form

All the latest
Sixth Form News
Head’s Newsletter
Dear parents and carers We have had another busy week with lots to update you on. We were privileged to welcome Lu Lawarence to talk to our students and staff on Thursday. Lu is the daughter of Zigi Shipper, a holocaust survivor. Lu has taken up the mantle of...
Dear parents and carers This week has flown by with lots of activity in school. We started the week with a rendition of Queen’s ‘Don’t Stop me now’ by Mr Rees and our Year 10 band who were providing the musical accompaniment for a project with Year 7 promoting...
Upcoming School Events[decm_event_display recurrence_number="3" show_feature_image="off" show_venue="off" show_name="off" show_price="off" show_category="off" hide_comma_cat="off" show_tag="off" show_weburl="off" show_detail="off" show_icon_label="label"...
Dear parents and carers I have been privileged this week to attend an East Midlands Academy Trust Olympic event in which a number of our key stage 3 children were participating. It is always a pleasure to see our students excelling, particularly when...
Headteacher’s Newsletter 21st June 2024
Dear parents and carers This week saw the last few exams taking place for Years 11 and 13. The exam season has passed really successfully, and our students have been commended by invigilators and staff for their attitude and behaviour, which we of course expect to be...
Headteacher’s Newsletter 14th June 2024
Dear parents and carers We have lots of news to share with you this week from exciting trip and opportunities. Firstly however, I would like to extend my congratulations to Laike Favier in Year 9 won the County Athletics boys 300m. He also broke the County Record for...