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At Wollaston School we believe in educating the mind as well as the heart. We want students to leave school with the knowledge, skills, and strength of character to ensure they are successful in the next stage of their life.

Our philosophy is to ensure we encourage knowledgeable, critical thinking, independent learners, who are ready to take their role in society as responsible citizens. To that end, our curriculum is underpinned by three overarching aims:

  • An ambitious, inclusive and well-planned curriculum that is knowledge rich, allowing students to broaden their horizons in each subject.
  • A broad and balanced curriculum that offers a wide range of choices, and prepares students for the next stage in their education or career.
  • A curriculum that prepares students to be active future citizens and to be positive members of society.

If you have any questions about the curriculum at Wollaston School then please contact our Deputy Headteacher, Mr Keith Matthews [email protected].

Curriculum Maps

In order to support our students over the course of the year, here are our curriculum maps for each subject.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum
(Years 7 – 9)

The Key Stage 3 curriculum aims to build on the work of KS2 by primary schools, whilst meeting statutory requirements and introducing new curriculum opportunities. The curriculum offers a broad and balanced experience, including mathematics, English, science, humanities (history, ethics & philosophy, geography, citizenship), design technology (food technology, product design and textiles), art, information technology, modern languages (French, Spanish), PE, and performing arts (music, drama and dance). All students study personal development and social issues in tutor time, and through citizenship in order to prepare them for modern life in Britain. We develop our students character further through assemblies, extra-curricular activities and regular enrichment experiences.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum
(Years 10 – 11)

In Year 10, students begin GCSE courses and study a curriculum that reflects their particular academic or vocational strengths and interests. Almost all students will complete GCSEs in 9 subjects, including mathematics, English (language and literature), combined science or triple science subjects (biology, chemistry, physics). In addition, students will be given several option choices to develop their academic interests and strengths. A small number of students take on vocational courses related directly to the world of work, such as motor vehicle maintenance.

Most courses will lead to examination qualifications in the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), but there are also opportunities to follow BTEC and other vocational options.

Sixth Form
(Years 12 & 13)

Wollaston Sixth Form is a supportive and inspiring place to study for students following both A-level and vocational courses. Our thriving Sixth Form offers a warm welcome to students who are ready to work hard to achieve their dreams and the majority of our students stay on to study in Sixth Form. It is our aim that all of our Sixth Form students leave school with skills that make them marketable in the rapidly globalising world of work or higher education and about 75% of our Year 13 students progress each year to study at University. An experienced mentor guides each student in their studies and is there to reach out a helping hand. Skilled specialist teachers share their enthusiasm and subject knowledge with students, inspiring them to do their best. We provide opportunities for all students to take part in a range of enrichment opportunities and play an active part in the success of the vibrant Wollaston Sixth Form community. The Sixth Form team also provide specialist careers advice and guidance for all students.